International Corporate Finance Value Creation with Currency Derivatives in Global Capital Markets

As globalization is redefining the field of corporate finance, international finance is now part and parcel of the basic literacy of any financial executive. This is why International Corporate Finance is a “must” text for upper-undergraduates, MBAs aspiring to careers in global financial services and budding finance professionals.

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International Corporate Finance: Value Creation with Currency Derivatives in Global Capital Markets

International Corporate Finance offers thorough coverage of the international monetary system, international financing, foreign exchange risk management and cross-border valuation. Additionally, the book offers keen insight on how disintermediation, deregulation and securitization are re-shaping global capital markets.

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Principles of Corporate Finance ( 12th Edition)

Resources within Connect Finance provide unlimited opportunities for students to practice solving financial problems and apply what they've learned. Brealey's world-leading content showing managers how to use financial theory to solve practical problems combined with a complete digital solution will help students achieve higher outcomes in the course.

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Pinciples of Corporate Finance

FROM THE PUBLISHER Brealey/Myers' Principles of Corporate Finance is the worldwide leading text that describes the theory and practice of corporate finance.

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Corporate finance: A valuation approach

Designed for courses in corporate finance, this text is a detailed description of the valuation process, providing an integrated, comprehensive method for valuing assets, firms, and securities across a wide variety of industries

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Fundamentals of Corporate Finance teenth edition

The Tenth Edition continues the tradition of excellence that has earned Fundamentals of Corporate Finance its status as market leader. Every chapter has been updated to provide the most current examples that reflect corporate finance in today's world. The supplements package has been updated and improved, and with the enhanced Connect Finance and Excel Master, student and instructor support has never been stronger.

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Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 8th edition

Synopsis: The best-selling Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (FCF) is written with one strongly held principle– that corporate finance should be developed and taught in terms of a few integrated, powerful ideas.

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Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 7th edition

Stephen Ross is presently the Franco Modigliani Professor of Finance and Economics at the Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. One of the most widely published authors in finance and economics, Professor Ross is recognized for his work in developing the Arbitrage Pricing Theory and his substantial contributions to the discipline through his research in signaling, agency theory, option pricing, and the theory of the term structure of interest rates, among other topics. A past president of the American Finance Association, he currently serves as an associate editor of several academic and practitioner journals. He is a trustee of CalTech, a director of the College Retirement Equity Fund (CREF), and Freddie Mac. He is also the co-chairman of Roll and Ross Asset Management Corporation.

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Corporate finance Seventh edition

Giới thiệu hoạt động của các tập đoàn tài chính

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Corporate finance tenth edition

Corporate Finance, by Ross, Westerfield, and Jaffe emphasizes the modern fundamentals of the theory of finance, while providing contemporary examples to make the theory come to life. The authors aim to present corporate finance as the working of a small number of integrated and powerful intuitions, rather than a collection of unrelated topics.

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